おしながき / Menu

素麺流し 〜涼を食す夏〜 時期:4月〜9月
Somen-nagashi - Enjoying the Coolness of Summer-
Enjoying the Coolness of SummePeriod: April to September The tradition of 'Somen-nagashi' or flowing somen noodles, dates back to the late Edo period according to ancient records. Amidst lush greenery, gather around the circular table and savor the coolness of summer. Enjoy blissful moments in this perfect setting, where you can forget about the heat.

囲炉裏 〜暖を感じる冬〜 時期:10月〜3月
Irori -Feeling the Warmth of Winter- Period: October to March
The 'irori', a traditional Japanese hearth, has served various functions in traditional Japanese homes such as heating, cooking, lighting, and a place for communication. While gazing at the flickering flames amidst the trees tinged with red, take a deep breath and experience a slightly different atmosphere from your everyday life.
旬を彩るメニュー / Menu Inspired by the Seasons
Somen-nagashi (April to September)
10月〜4月 限定 豚鍋・鶏鍋・鴨鍋
Cold Season Special (Limited to October to April): Pork Hot Pot, Chicken Hot Pot, Duck Hot Pot

4月〜9月/そうめん流し 10月〜4月/だご汁
定食は季節により異なる限定メニューをご用意しております。 「邑居」の旬を詰め込んだ【箱定食】とだご汁やそうめん流し、当店人気の一品を併せたお得な御前です。夏はひんやり涼やかに、冬はほっこり温まる、2種のお品と共にゆったりとしたひと時をお過ごし頂けます。
Set Meal
April to September: Somen-nagashi October to April: DagoJiru (a traditional Japanese soup)
Our set meals feature limited-time menus that vary by season. Enjoy a box set meal packed with the essence of the season at Yu-Kyo, which includes DagoJiru, Somen-nagashi, and other popular dishes from our restaurant. Whether it's a refreshing summer or a cozy winter, you can relax with two delightful dishes that complement each other perfectly.

冬季限定でお鍋をお楽しみ頂けます。 特製のしょうゆスープに素材の旨味がしみ出した、やみつきになる逸品です。囲炉裏を囲んで、冬ならではのホッとする瞬間を、邑居でご堪能ください。十割蕎麦もご用意しております。
Hot Pot
October to April
During the winter season, indulge in our special hot pot dishes. Made with our signature soy-based soup that brings out the flavors of the ingredients, it's a dish you'll crave for more. Gather around the hearth and savor the heartwarming moments unique to winter at Yu-Kyo. We also offer soba noodles made with 100% buckwheat flour.

当店人気メニューの楓ランチです。 前菜の小鉢盛り、とりご飯とたご汁、選べるメイン料理、甘味とコーヒーがセットになった、ちょっと贅沢なランチとなっております。メインは以下の3つからお選び頂けます。
和牛炭火焼 / ヤマメの塩焼き / ヤマメの唐揚げ
Autumn & Winter
One of our popular menu items is the KAEDE Lunch. It includes assorted appetizers, chicken and rice with Dagoshiru, your choice of main dish, and dessert with coffee—a slightly luxurious lunch option. You can choose your main dish from the following three options:
Grilled Wagyu Beef / Grilled Yamame trout with Salt / Deep-fried Yamame trout
*Please be aware that quantities may be limited, and we may not offer our services on weekends. We recommend contacting us in advance for more information.